Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The Ronald McDonald House Charities establishes and develops programs that work to directly improve the health and well-being of children all around the world. The Ronald McDonald House is making a worldwide impact on the most vital problems facing families today. See first-hand a personal video from a child who has benefitted from us. Our approach is to think globally, but act locally by tailoring our programs to address the most pressing need of each community we serve. Go to this Web site to learn more http://www.rmhgainesville.org/.


Alexandria said...

Great idea for a blog, very attention getting for a great cause! Nice work.

Unknown said...

I love the main picture on this blog. I also think the addition of the Florida counties with the location highlighted. I like the smaller pictures on the posts too.

UFPRRUS said...

The colors you picked were very fitting to the type of blog you created here. The background was red, and it made me think of Ronald McDonald's hair.
This is a page for a non-profit, and you did two important things: First, you told a story by linking the reader to the video of the child who was positively changed by his experience with Ronald McDonald. Second, you urged the reader to take action by the links on the side. If the reader is impacted by your content, he or she could easily click on the link and make a donation, for example.
Good job.
Maybe you could have added some pictures of the inside of the house to emphasize the home away from home that the house provides to these families.

Unknown said...

Great job on the layout. The pictures are very heart-warming. This blog definitely makes me want to help the cause. Excellent work here!

Allie said...

I think your blog looks really professional. The picture at the top is great and adds a lot to the site. My family has had to use the Ronald McDonald House here in Gainesville, and I think it's great that you are bringing attention to this organization.

Janis Teruggi Page, Ph.D. said...

You've got some great feedback here...for a great blog!